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Former Cat Travis Ford helps out in Moore, Oklahoma

Travis Ford lent a helping hand to Oklahoma tornado relief by hauling an industrial-sized grill down to Moore and grilling burgers and hot dogs throughout the day.

Any bit of help is welcome in tornado-stricken Moore — whether its cleaning up a cemetery or grilling a fresh meal for victims and relief helpers.
men’s basketball coach Travis Ford — along with members of his coaching staff, several Stillwater residents and OSU police officers — did the latter on Thursday by hauling an industrial-sized grill down to Moore and grilling burgers and hot dogs throughout the day.

“I think we’re going to the night down here and cook throughout the night,” Ford said by phone Thursday afternoon. “We were cooking by 11 o’clock or so and it’s been non-stop since. As fast we can get them off, they’re eating them. It’s been almost overwhelming how appreciative everyone has been.”

The OSU coach came up with the idea of taking a cooker down to Moore after talking with friends who had assisted in other major natural disasters.

Read full article here.

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