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John Calipari preparing Kentucky for Louisville’s ‘biting’ defense

Like getting an early start on Christmas shopping, Kentucky Coach John Calipari began last week to call attention to Louisville’s defensive style.

John Calipari - photo by Walter Cornett |

– photo by Walter Cornett |

Like getting an early start on Christmas shopping, Coach John Calipari began last week to call attention to 's pressing/trapping defensive style. He said the Cardinals will grab, hold, claw, bite, scratch, fold, spindle and mutilate.

Of course, Calipari did not mention Louisville by name. But it sounded oh-so-familiar.

“Let me tell you,” he said last week as if talking to a player. “You're going to be playing in games they grab, they hold, they kick, they push, they bite.”


“Can you play in that kind of game?” Calipari asked. “If you can't play in that kind of game, you can't win that game.”

Read full article here.

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