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2015-2016 Kentucky Basketball Statistics

Season Schedule/Results & Leaders

                               2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                Kentucky Season Schedule/Results & Leaders (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                           All games

 RECORD:                OVERALL      HOME        AWAY       NEUTRAL
 ALL GAMES...........   (27-9)      (17-0)      (4-7)       (6-2)
 CONFERENCE..........   (13-5)      (9-0)       (4-5)       (0-0)
 NON-CONFERENCE......   (14-4)      (8-0)       (0-2)       (6-2)

 DATE     TIME           OPPONENT                              SCORE     ATTEND  HIGH POINTS                HIGH REBOUNDS
 11/13/15 7:00 pm        ALBANY                           W    78-65      22080  (19)           (8)Marcus Lee
 11/14/15 8:00 pm        NJIT                             W    87-57      22671  (26)Labissiere,Skal        (12)Briscoe,Isaiah
 11/17/15 6:30 pm      1 vs # 5/5 Duke                    W    74-63      21461  (18)             (10)Lee,Marcus
 11/20/15 8:00 pm        WRIGHT STATE                     W    78-63      22563  (21)Ulis,Tyler             (10)Poythress,Alex
 11/24/15 9:00 pm        BOSTON U.                        W    82-62      22623  (16)Labissiere,Skal        (10)Poythress,Alex
 11/27/15 5:05 PM      2 vs USF                           W    84-63      10023  (21)Murray,Jamal           (6)Briscoe,Isaiah
 11/30/15 7:00 pm        ILLINOIS STATE                   W    75-63      21894  (18)Briscoe,Isaiah         (12)Lee,Marcus
 12/03/15 6:00 p.m.      at UCLA                               77-87  L   12202  (20)Briscoe,Isaiah         (6)Willis,Derek
 12/9/15  7:00 pm        EKU                              W    88-67      22544  (21)Poythress,Alex         (13)Poythress,Alex
 12/12/15 3:15 PM        ARIZONA STATE                    W    72-58      23665  (17)Murray,Jamal           (7)Lee,Marcus
 12/19/15 3:30 p.m.    3 vs Ohio State                         67-74  L   16311  (33)Jamal Murray           (9)Marcus Lee
 12/26/15 12:00 pm       #16/15 LOUISVILLE                W    75-73      24412  (21)Ulis, Tyler            (7)Marcus Lee
 01/02/16 7:00 pm      * OLE MISS                         W    83-61      24399  (20)Ulis, Tyler            (9)Alex Poythress
 01/05/16 8:00 p.m.    * at LSU                                67-85  L   13573  (23)Tyler Ulis             (8)
 1/9/16   5:00 p.m.    * at Alabama                       W    77-61      15383  (25)Alex Poythress         (11)Marcus Lee
 01/12/16 7:00 pm      * MISSISSIPPI STATE                W    80-74      23897  (22)Jamal Murray           (9)Marcus Lee
 01/16/16 3:00 p.m.    * at Auburn                             70-75  L    9121  (20)Jamal Murray           (12)
 01/21/16 6 p.m.       * at Arkansas                      W    80-66      18588  (24)Tyler Ulis             (7)Jamal Murray
                                                                                                            (7)Derek Willis
 01/23/16 4:00 pm      * VANDERBILT                       W    76-57      22975  (21)Ulis, Tyler            (9)Derek Willis
 01/27/16 9:00 PM      * MISSOURI                         W    88-54      23933  (20)Ulis, Tyler            (12)Derek Willis
 01/30/16 6:10 p.m.    4 at #4/3 Kansas                        84-90  Lot 16300  (26)Tyler Ulis             (8)Alex Poythress
 02/02/16 7:04 p.m.    * at Tennessee                          77-84  L   19295  (21)Jamal Murray           (8)Derek Willis
                                                                                                            (8)Isaiah Briscoe
 02/06/16 4:00 PM      * FLORIDA                          W    80-61      24406  (35)Jamal Murray           (6)Derek Willis
                                                                                                            (6)Jamal Murray
 02/09/16 9:00 pm      * GEORGIA                          W    82-48      22136  (24)Jamal Murray           (7)Labissiere, Skal
 2/13/16  12 p.m. ET   * at South Carolina                W    89-62      18000  (27)Tyler Ulis             (13)Marcus Lee
 02/18/16 7:00 pm      * TENNESSEE                        W    80-70      24274  (28)Jamal Murray           (10)Isaiah Briscoe
 02/20/16 5:30 PM      * at #RV/24 Texas A&M                   77-79  Lot 12029  (22)Tyler Ulis             (12)Isaac Humphries
 02/23/16 7:00 pm      * ALABAMA                          W    78-53      24262  (23)Jamal Murray           (12)Marcus Lee
 02/27/16 3 p.m.       * at Vanderbilt                         62-74  L   14326  (33)Jamal Murray           (9)Jamal Murray
 3/1/16   7 p.m.       * at Florida                       W    88-79      10684  (21)Jamal Murray           (10)Alex Poythress
 03/05/16 2:00 pm      * LSU                              W    94-77      24414  (22)Jamal Murray           (10)Marcus Lee
 03/11/16 6:00 pm CT   5 vs Alabama                       W    85-59      18049  (23)Jamal Murray           (7)Alex Poythress
 03/12/16 2:15 pm CT   5 vs Georgia                       W    93-80      19108  (26)Jamal Murray           (7)Isaiah Briscoe
                                                                                                            (7)Derek Willis
 03/13/16 12:00 pm CT  5 vs #17/17 Texas A&M              Wot  82-77      19613  (30)Ulis, Tyler            (6)Alex Poythress
 03-17-16 8:58 p.m.    6 vs Stony Brook                   W    85-57      16774  (19)Jamal Murray           (11)Isaiah Briscoe
 03-19-16 4:16 p.m.    6 vs Indiana                            67-73  L   16824  (27)Ulis,Tyler             (7)Jamal Murray

 * = Conference game
 1 = Champions Classic - United Center, Chicago
 2 = Hoophall Miami Invitational - American Airlines Arena, Miami
 3 = CBS Sports Classic - Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y.
 4 = Big 12/SEC Challenge - Allen Fieldhouse, Lawrence, Kan.
 5 = SEC Tournament - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tenn.
 6 = NCAA Tournament - Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa

  HOME....................     17   397148     23362
  AWAY....................     11   159501     14500
  NEUTRAL.................      8   138163     17270
  TOTAL...................     36   694812     19300

                               2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                         Kentucky Season Box Score (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                           All games

RECORD:                OVERALL      HOME        AWAY       NEUTRAL
ALL GAMES...........   (27-9)      (17-0)      (4-7)       (6-2)
CONFERENCE..........   (13-5)      (9-0)       (4-5)       (0-0)
NON-CONFERENCE......   (14-4)      (8-0)       (0-2)       (6-2)

                                       |---TOTAL---| |---3-PTS---|               |----REBOUNDS----|
## Player              GP-GS  Min--Avg  FG-FGA   Pct 3FG-FGA   Pct  FT-FTA   Pct  Off Def  Tot  Avg  PF FO   A  TO Blk Stl  Pts  Avg
23 Jamal Murray....... 36-36 1267 35.2 244-538  .454 113-277  .408 119-152  .783   53 133  186  5.2  75  1  79  84  11  35  720 20.0
03 Tyler Ulis......... 35-35 1288 36.8 192-442  .434  55-160  .344 167-195  .856   19  86  105  3.0  64  2 246  69   4  51  606 17.3
22 Alex Poythress..... 31-23  732 23.6 119-198  .601   7-23   .304  72-102  .706   55 132  187  6.0 112  7  10  37  22  19  317 10.2
13 Briscoe,Isaiah..... 34-33 1094 32.2 132-301  .439   5-37   .135  57-124  .460   49 132  181  5.3  96  2 107  66   5  35  326  9.6
35 Derek Willis....... 32-11  596 18.6  81-168  .482  53-120  .442  32-36   .889   30  97  127  4.0  55  2  12  22  24  21  247  7.7
01 Skal Labissiere.... 36-18  567 15.8  98-190  .516   0-2    .000  41-62   .661   35  78  113  3.1 108  5  11  33  59   9  237  6.6
00 Marcus Lee......... 36-20  785 21.8 102-150  .680   0-0    .000  25-62   .403   87 129  216  6.0 109  8  11  35  59  12  229  6.4
25 .. 27-0   249  9.2  17-46   .370   8-29   .276  19-25   .760   13   9   22  0.8  30  0  13   6   3   6   61  2.3
15 Isaac Humphries.... 23-1   210  9.1  16-41   .390   0-0    .000  11-15   .733   20  36   56  2.4  46  2   2  10  16   2   43  1.9
04 Charles Matthews... 36-3   370 10.3  23-52   .442   1-4    .250  14-34   .412   32  27   59  1.6  33  0  13  19   6  15   61  1.7
11 Mychal Mulder...... 24-0    90  3.8   4-20   .200   2-12   .167   2-2   1.000    9  18   27  1.1   6  0   8   2   0   1   12  0.5
10 David,Jonny........ 11-0    11  1.0   0-2    .000   0-2    .000   2-2   1.000    0   0    0  0.0   1  0   0   1   0   0    2  0.2
24 Floreal,EJ......... 13-0    16  1.2   0-1    .000   0-0    .000   0-2    .000    1   5    6  0.5   0  0   0   1   0   0    0  0.0
   TEAM...............                                                             59  52  111  3.1   2         17            0
   Total.............. 36    7275     1028-2149 .478 244-666  .366 561-813  .690  462 934 1396 38.8 737 29 512 402 209 206 2861 79.5
   Opponents.......... 36    7275      827-2082 .397 201-616  .326 596-849  .702  438 771 1209 33.6 713  - 334 447 111 156 2451 68.1

SCORE BY PERIODS:           1st  2nd   OT    Total
-------------------------  ---- ---- ----     ----
Kentucky.................  1371 1462   28  -  2861
Opponents................  1104 1316   31  -  2451

------------------------------ --- ----- -----
Kentucky...................... 111    12   123
Opponents..................... 124    29   153

Overall/Conference Statistics

                               2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                  Kentucky Overall/Conference Statistics (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                           All games

                    |-----------------OVERALL STATISTICS------------------|  |----------------CONFERENCE STATISTICS--------------|
SUMMARY              GP-GS Min/G   FG%  3PT%   FT%  R/G  A/G STL BLK PTS/G     GP-GS Min/G   FG%  3PT%   FT%  R/G  A/G STL BLK PTS/G
Jamal Murray........ 36-36  35.2  .454  .408  .783  5.2  2.2  35  11  20.0     18-18  35.9  .476  .444  .808  5.4  1.8  18   6  22.4
Tyler Ulis.......... 35-35  36.8  .434  .344  .856  3.0  7.0  51   4  17.3     18-18  37.3  .439  .329  .842  3.3  8.4  26   2  18.3
Alex Poythress...... 31-23  23.6  .601  .304  .706  6.0  0.3  19  22  10.2     13-12  22.8  .617  .000  .698  5.2  0.3   4   8  10.0
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34-33  32.2  .439  .135  .460  5.3  3.1  35   5   9.6     18-18  32.9  .398  .056  .436  5.1  3.1  15   1   8.5
Derek Willis........ 32-11  18.6  .482  .442  .889  4.0  0.4  21  24   7.7     15-9   22.8  .511  .500  .933  5.1  0.3   8  12   9.7
Skal Labissiere..... 36-18  15.8  .516  .000  .661  3.1  0.3   9  59   6.6     18-2   13.2  .506  .000  .500  3.1  0.2   4  27   5.3
Marcus Lee.......... 36-20  21.8  .680  .000  .403  6.0  0.3  12  59   6.4     18-12  21.7  .681  .000  .300  6.3  0.3   2  28   5.7
Dominique Hawkins... 27-0    9.2  .370  .276  .760  0.8  0.5   6   3   2.3     11-0    7.6  .333  .375 1.000  0.4  0.5   2   2   1.4
Isaac Humphries..... 23-1    9.1  .390  .000  .733  2.4  0.1   2  16   1.9     13-1   10.1  .455  .000  .750  2.9  0.1   1  11   1.8
Charles Matthews.... 36-3   10.3  .442  .250  .412  1.6  0.4  15   6   1.7     18-0    8.8  .350  .000  .357  1.7  0.2   5   3   1.1
Mychal Mulder....... 24-0    3.8  .200  .167 1.000  1.1  0.3   1   0   0.5     12-0    4.8  .200  .250 1.000  1.6  0.2   1   0   0.8
David,Jonny......... 11-0    1.0  .000  .000 1.000  0.0  0.0   0   0   0.2      6-0    0.8  .000  .000  .000  0.0  0.0   0   0   0.0
Floreal,EJ.......... 13-0    1.2  .000  .000  .000  0.5  0.0   0   0   0.0      9-0    1.3  .000  .000  .000  0.6  0.0   0   0   0.0
Total............... 36           .478  .366  .690 38.8 14.2 206 209  79.5     18           .476  .392  .682 39.6 15.0  86 100  79.3
Opponents........... 36           .397  .326  .702 33.6  9.3 156 111  68.1     18           .389  .338  .698 33.4  9.6  63  59  67.8

                    |-----------------OVERALL STATISTICS------------------|  |----------------CONFERENCE STATISTICS--------------|
SCORING                FG-FGA   FG%  3FG-FGA 3PT%   FT-FTA   FT%  PTS PTS/G     FG-FGA   FG%  3FG-FGA 3PT%   FT-FTA   FT%  PTS PTS/G
Jamal Murray........  244-538  .454  113-277 .408  119-152  .783  720  20.0    137-288  .476   67-151 .444   63-78   .808  404  22.4
Tyler Ulis..........  192-442  .434   55-160 .344  167-195  .856  606  17.3    104-237  .439   26-79  .329   96-114  .842  330  18.3
Alex Poythress......  119-198  .601    7-23  .304   72-102  .706  317  10.2     50-81   .617    0-5   .000   30-43   .698  130  10.0
Briscoe,Isaiah......  132-301  .439    5-37  .135   57-124  .460  326   9.6     64-161  .398    1-18  .056   24-55   .436  153   8.5
Derek Willis........   81-168  .482   53-120 .442   32-36   .889  247   7.7     48-94   .511   35-70  .500   14-15   .933  145   9.7
Skal Labissiere.....   98-190  .516    0-2   .000   41-62   .661  237   6.6     43-85   .506    0-2   .000   10-20   .500   96   5.3
Marcus Lee..........  102-150  .680    0-0   .000   25-62   .403  229   6.4     47-69   .681    0-0   .000    9-30   .300  103   5.7
Dominique Hawkins...   17-46   .370    8-29  .276   19-25   .760   61   2.3      4-12   .333    3-8   .375    4-4   1.000   15   1.4
Isaac Humphries.....   16-41   .390    0-0   .000   11-15   .733   43   1.9     10-22   .455    0-0   .000    3-4    .750   23   1.8
Charles Matthews....   23-52   .442    1-4   .250   14-34   .412   61   1.7      7-20   .350    0-0   .000    5-14   .357   19   1.1
Mychal Mulder.......    4-20   .200    2-12  .167    2-2   1.000   12   0.5      3-15   .200    2-8   .250    2-2   1.000   10   0.8
David,Jonny.........    0-2    .000    0-2   .000    2-2   1.000    2   0.2      0-1    .000    0-1   .000    0-0    .000    0   0.0
Floreal,EJ..........    0-1    .000    0-0   .000    0-2    .000    0   0.0      0-1    .000    0-0   .000    0-2    .000    0   0.0
Total............... 1028-2149 .478  244-666 .366  561-813  .690 2861  79.5    517-1086 .476  134-342 .392  260-381  .682 1428  79.3
Opponents...........  827-2082 .397  201-616 .326  596-849  .702 2451  68.1    395-1015 .389  102-302 .338  328-470  .698 1220  67.8

                    |-----------------OVERALL STATISTICS------------------|  |----------------CONFERENCE STATISTICS--------------|
TOTALS               O-REB D-REB TOTAL   PF  FO    A   TO  A/TO Hi Pts         O-REB D-REB TOTAL   PF  FO    A   TO  A/TO Hi Pts
Jamal Murray........    53   133   186   75   1   79   84   0.9     35            28    70    98   35   1   33   31   1.1     35
Tyler Ulis..........    19    86   105   64   2  246   69   3.6     30            11    49    60   41   1  152   34   4.5     27
Alex Poythress......    55   132   187  112   7   10   37   0.3     25            18    50    68   48   4    4   22   0.2     25
Briscoe,Isaiah......    49   132   181   96   2  107   66   1.6     20            29    62    91   55   1   55   25   2.2     15
Derek Willis........    30    97   127   55   2   12   22   0.5     25            17    60    77   29   0    5   11   0.5     25
Skal Labissiere.....    35    78   113  108   5   11   33   0.3     26            20    35    55   51   2    4   14   0.3     18
Marcus Lee..........    87   129   216  109   8   11   35   0.3     14            42    71   113   58   5    5   17   0.3     13
Dominique Hawkins...    13     9    22   30   0   13    6   2.2     13             3     1     4    9   0    5    3   1.7      9
Isaac Humphries.....    20    36    56   46   2    2   10   0.2      6            13    25    38   33   2    1    4   0.3      6
Charles Matthews....    32    27    59   33   0   13   19   0.7     11            16    14    30   14   0    4    6   0.7      7
Mychal Mulder.......     9    18    27    6   0    8    2   4.0      5             6    13    19    4   0    2    2   1.0      5
David,Jonny.........     0     0     0    1   0    0    1   0.0      2             0     0     0    1   0    0    0   0.0      0
Floreal,EJ..........     1     5     6    0   0    0    1   0.0      0             0     5     5    0   0    0    1   0.0      0
Total...............   462   934  1396  737  29  512  402   1.3     94           233   480   713  380  16  270  179   1.5     94
Opponents...........   438   771  1209  713   -  334  447   0.7     90           206   396   602  329   5  173  197   0.9     85

Combined Team Statistics

                               2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                     Kentucky Combined Team Statistics (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                           All games

 RECORD:                OVERALL      HOME        AWAY       NEUTRAL
 ALL GAMES...........   (27-9)      (17-0)      (4-7)       (6-2)
 CONFERENCE..........   (13-5)      (9-0)       (4-5)       (0-0)
 NON-CONFERENCE......   (14-4)      (8-0)       (0-2)       (6-2)

   DATE            OPPONENT                       W/L    SCORE  ATTEND
   ------------    --------------------           ---    -----  ------
   11/13/15        ALBANY                         W      78-65   22080
   11/14/15        NJIT                           W      87-57   22671
  111/17/15     vs # 5/5 Duke                     W      74-63   21461
   11/20/15        WRIGHT STATE                   W      78-63   22563
   11/24/15        BOSTON U.                      W      82-62   22623
  211/27/15     vs USF                            W      84-63   10023
   11/30/15        ILLINOIS STATE                 W      75-63   21894
   12/03/15     at UCLA                             L    77-87   12202
   12/9/15         EKU                            W      88-67   22544
   12/12/15        ARIZONA STATE                  W      72-58   23665
  312/19/15     vs Ohio State                       L    67-74   16311
   12/26/15        #16/15 LOUISVILLE              W      75-73   24412
  *01/02/16        OLE MISS                       W      83-61   24399
  *01/05/16     at LSU                              L    67-85   13573
  *1/9/16       at Alabama                        W      77-61   15383
  *01/12/16        MISSISSIPPI STATE              W      80-74   23897
  *01/16/16     at Auburn                           L    70-75    9121
  *01/21/16     at Arkansas                       W      80-66   18588
  *01/23/16        VANDERBILT                     W      76-57   22975
  *01/27/16        MISSOURI                       W      88-54   23933
  401/30/16     at #4/3 Kansas                      LOT  84-90   16300
  *02/02/16     at Tennessee                        L    77-84   19295
  *02/06/16        FLORIDA                        W      80-61   24406
  *02/09/16        GEORGIA                        W      82-48   22136
  *2/13/16      at South Carolina                 W      89-62   18000
  *02/18/16        TENNESSEE                      W      80-70   24274
  *02/20/16     at #RV/24 Texas A&M                 LOT  77-79   12029
  *02/23/16        ALABAMA                        W      78-53   24262
  *02/27/16     at Vanderbilt                       L    62-74   14326
  *3/1/16       at Florida                        W      88-79   10684
  *03/05/16        LSU                            W      94-77   24414
  503/11/16     vs Alabama                        W      85-59   18049
  503/12/16     vs Georgia                        W      93-80   19108
  503/13/16     vs #17/17 Texas A&M               W  OT  82-77   19613
  603-17-16     vs Stony Brook                    W      85-57   16774
  603-19-16     vs Indiana                          L    67-73   16824
 * = Conference game
 1 = Champions Classic - United Center, Chicago
 2 = Hoophall Miami Invitational - American Airlines Arena, Miami
 3 = CBS Sports Classic - Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y.
 4 = Big 12/SEC Challenge - Allen Fieldhouse, Lawrence, Kan.
 5 = SEC Tournament - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tenn.
 6 = NCAA Tournament - Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa

 ## SUMMARY              GP-GS   Min   FG%  3PT%   FT%  R/G  A/G STL BLK PTS/G
 23 Jamal Murray........ 36-36  35.2  .454  .408  .783  5.2  2.2  35  11  20.0
 03 Tyler Ulis.......... 35-35  36.8  .434  .344  .856  3.0  7.0  51   4  17.3
 22 Alex Poythress...... 31-23  23.6  .601  .304  .706  6.0  0.3  19  22  10.2
 13 Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34-33  32.2  .439  .135  .460  5.3  3.1  35   5   9.6
 35 Derek Willis........ 32-11  18.6  .482  .442  .889  4.0  0.4  21  24   7.7
 01 Skal Labissiere..... 36-18  15.8  .516  .000  .661  3.1  0.3   9  59   6.6
 00 Marcus Lee.......... 36-20  21.8  .680  .000  .403  6.0  0.3  12  59   6.4
 25 Dominique Hawkins... 27-0    9.2  .370  .276  .760  0.8  0.5   6   3   2.3
 15 Isaac Humphries..... 23-1    9.1  .390  .000  .733  2.4  0.1   2  16   1.9
 04 Charles Matthews.... 36-3   10.3  .442  .250  .412  1.6  0.4  15   6   1.7
 11 Mychal Mulder....... 24-0    3.8  .200  .167 1.000  1.1  0.3   1   0   0.5
 10 David,Jonny......... 11-0    1.0  .000  .000 1.000  0.0  0.0   0   0   0.2
 24 Floreal,EJ.......... 13-0    1.2  .000  .000  .000  0.5  0.0   0   0   0.0
 TM TEAM................ 36-0    0.0  .000  .000  .000  3.1  0.0   0   0   0.0
    Total............... 36           .478  .366  .690 38.8 14.2 206 209  79.5
    Opponents........... 36           .397  .326  .702 33.6  9.3 156 111  68.1

 SCORING              GP   FG-FGA   FG%  3FG-FGA  3PT%   FT-FTA   FT%   PTS PTS/G
 Jamal Murray........ 36  244-538  .454  113-277  .408  119-152  .783   720 20.0
 Tyler Ulis.......... 35  192-442  .434   55-160  .344  167-195  .856   606 17.3
 Alex Poythress...... 31  119-198  .601    7-23   .304   72-102  .706   317 10.2
 Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  132-301  .439    5-37   .135   57-124  .460   326  9.6
 Derek Willis........ 32   81-168  .482   53-120  .442   32-36   .889   247  7.7
 Skal Labissiere..... 36   98-190  .516    0-2    .000   41-62   .661   237  6.6
 Marcus Lee.......... 36  102-150  .680    0-0    .000   25-62   .403   229  6.4
 Dominique Hawkins... 27   17-46   .370    8-29   .276   19-25   .760    61  2.3
 Isaac Humphries..... 23   16-41   .390    0-0    .000   11-15   .733    43  1.9
 Charles Matthews.... 36   23-52   .442    1-4    .250   14-34   .412    61  1.7
 Mychal Mulder....... 24    4-20   .200    2-12   .167    2-2   1.000    12  0.5
 David,Jonny......... 11    0-2    .000    0-2    .000    2-2   1.000     2  0.2
 Floreal,EJ.......... 13    0-1    .000    0-0    .000    0-2    .000     0  0.0
 Total............... 36 1028-2149 .478  244-666  .366  561-813  .690  2861 79.5
 Opponents........... 36  827-2082 .397  201-616  .326  596-849  .702  2451 68.1

 TOTALS               GP   MIN  OFF  DEF  TOT   PF  FO    A   TO  A/TO  HI
 Jamal Murray........ 36  1267   53  133  186   75   1   79   84   0.9  35
 Tyler Ulis.......... 35  1288   19   86  105   64   2  246   69   3.6  30
 Alex Poythress...... 31   732   55  132  187  112   7   10   37   0.3  25
 Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  1094   49  132  181   96   2  107   66   1.6  20
 Derek Willis........ 32   596   30   97  127   55   2   12   22   0.5  25
 Skal Labissiere..... 36   567   35   78  113  108   5   11   33   0.3  26
 Marcus Lee.......... 36   785   87  129  216  109   8   11   35   0.3  14
 Dominique Hawkins... 27   249   13    9   22   30   0   13    6   2.2  13
 Isaac Humphries..... 23   210   20   36   56   46   2    2   10   0.2   6
 Charles Matthews.... 36   370   32   27   59   33   0   13   19   0.7  11
 Mychal Mulder....... 24    90    9   18   27    6   0    8    2   4.0   5
 David,Jonny......... 11    11    0    0    0    1   0    0    1   0.0   2
 Floreal,EJ.......... 13    16    1    5    6    0   0    0    1   0.0   0
 Total............... 36  7275  462  934 1396  737  29  512  402   1.3  94
 Opponents........... 36  7275  438  771 1209  713   -  334  447   0.7  90

 TEAM STATISTICS                              OPP
 SCORING.................         2861         2451
   Points per game.......         79.5         68.1
   Scoring margin........        +11.4            -
 FIELD GOALS-ATT.........    1028-2149     827-2082
   Field goal pct........         .478         .397
 3 POINT FG-ATT..........      244-666      201-616
   3-point FG pct........         .366         .326
   3-pt FG made per game.          6.8          5.6
 FREE THROWS-ATT.........      561-813      596-849
   Free throw pct........         .690         .702
   F-Throws made per game         15.6         16.6
 REBOUNDS................         1396         1209
   Rebounds per game.....         38.8         33.6
   Rebounding margin.....         +5.2            -
 ASSISTS.................          512          334
   Assists per game......         14.2          9.3
 TURNOVERS...............          402          447
   Turnovers per game....         11.2         12.4
   Turnover margin.......         +1.3            -
   Assist/turnover ratio.          1.3          0.7
 STEALS..................          206          156
   Steals per game.......          5.7          4.3
 BLOCKS..................          209          111
   Blocks per game.......          5.8          3.1
 ATTENDANCE..............       397148       297664
   Home games-Avg/Game...     17-23362     11-14500
   Neutral site-Avg/Game.            -      8-17270

 SCORE BY PERIODS:           1st  2nd   OT    Total
 -------------------------  ---- ---- ----     ----
 Kentucky.................  1371 1462   28  -  2861
 Opponents................  1104 1316   31  -  2451

Overall Team Statistics

                               2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                     Kentucky Overall Team Statistics (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                           All games

TEAM STATISTICS                     UK          OPP
SCORING..................         2861         2451
  Points per game........         79.5         68.1
  Scoring margin.........        +11.4            -
FIELD GOALS-ATT..........    1028-2149     827-2082
  Field goal pct.........         .478         .397
3 POINT FG-ATT...........      244-666      201-616
  3-point FG pct.........         .366         .326
  3-pt FG made per game..          6.8          5.6
FREE THROWS-ATT..........      561-813      596-849
  Free throw pct.........         .690         .702
  F-Throws made per game.         15.6         16.6
REBOUNDS.................         1396         1209
  Rebounds per game......         38.8         33.6
  Rebounding margin......         +5.2            -
ASSISTS..................          512          334
  Assists per game.......         14.2          9.3
TURNOVERS................          402          447
  Turnovers per game.....         11.2         12.4
  Turnover margin........         +1.3            -
  Assist/turnover ratio..          1.3          0.7
STEALS...................          206          156
  Steals per game........          5.7          4.3
BLOCKS...................          209          111
  Blocks per game........          5.8          3.1
WINNING STREAK...........            0            -
  Home win streak........           17            -
ATTENDANCE...............       397148       297664
  Home games-Avg/Game....     17-23362     11-14500
  Neutral site-Avg/Game..            -      8-17270

SCORE BY PERIODS:                1st  2nd   OT    Total
------------------------------  ---- ---- ----     ----
Kentucky......................  1371 1462   28  -  2861
Opponents.....................  1104 1316   31  -  2451

Category Leaders

                               2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                         Kentucky Category Leaders (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                           All games

POINTS                G  Pts  Pts/G             SCORING AVERAGE       G  Pts Avg/G
-----------------------------------             ----------------------------------
Jamal Murray........ 36  720   20.0             Jamal Murray........ 36  720  20.0
Tyler Ulis.......... 35  606   17.3             Tyler Ulis.......... 35  606  17.3
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  326    9.6             Alex Poythress...... 31  317  10.2
Alex Poythress...... 31  317   10.2             Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  326   9.6
Derek Willis........ 32  247    7.7             Derek Willis........ 32  247   7.7
Skal Labissiere..... 36  237    6.6             Skal Labissiere..... 36  237   6.6
Marcus Lee.......... 36  229    6.4             Marcus Lee.......... 36  229   6.4
Charles Matthews.... 36   61    1.7             Dominique Hawkins... 27   61   2.3
Dominique Hawkins... 27   61    2.3             Isaac Humphries..... 23   43   1.9
Isaac Humphries..... 23   43    1.9             Charles Matthews.... 36   61   1.7
Mychal Mulder....... 24   12    0.5             Mychal Mulder....... 24   12   0.5
David,Jonny......... 11    2    0.2             David,Jonny......... 11    2   0.2

FG PERCENTAGE         FG ATT   Pct              FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS   G  Att  Att/G
----------------------------------              -----------------------------------
Marcus Lee.......... 102 150  .680              Jamal Murray........ 36  538   14.9
Alex Poythress...... 119 198  .601              Tyler Ulis.......... 35  442   12.6
Skal Labissiere.....  98 190  .516              Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  301    8.9
Derek Willis........  81 168  .482              Alex Poythress...... 31  198    6.4
Jamal Murray........ 244 538  .454              Skal Labissiere..... 36  190    5.3
Charles Matthews....  23  52  .442
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 132 301  .439              FIELD GOALS MADE      G Made Made/G
Tyler Ulis.......... 192 442  .434              -----------------------------------
Isaac Humphries.....  16  41  .390              Jamal Murray........ 36  244    6.8
Dominique Hawkins...  17  46  .370              Tyler Ulis.......... 35  192    5.5
Mychal Mulder.......   4  20  .200              Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  132    3.9
David,Jonny.........   0   2  .000              Alex Poythress...... 31  119    3.8
Floreal,EJ..........   0   1  .000              Marcus Lee.......... 36  102    2.8

3-POINT PERCENTAGE   3FG ATT   Pct              3-POINT FG ATTEMPTS   G  Att  Att/G
----------------------------------              -----------------------------------
Derek Willis........  53 120  .442              Jamal Murray........ 36  277    7.7
Jamal Murray........ 113 277  .408              Tyler Ulis.......... 35  160    4.6
Tyler Ulis..........  55 160  .344              Derek Willis........ 32  120    3.8
Alex Poythress......   7  23  .304              Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34   37    1.1
Dominique Hawkins...   8  29  .276              Dominique Hawkins... 27   29    1.1
Charles Matthews....   1   4  .250
Mychal Mulder.......   2  12  .167              3-POINT FGS MADE      G Made Made/G
Briscoe,Isaiah......   5  37  .135              -----------------------------------
David,Jonny.........   0   2  .000              Jamal Murray........ 36  113    3.1
Skal Labissiere.....   0   2  .000              Tyler Ulis.......... 35   55    1.6
                                                Derek Willis........ 32   53    1.7
                                                Dominique Hawkins... 27    8    0.3
                                                Alex Poythress...... 31    7    0.2

FT PERCENTAGE         FT ATT   Pct              FREE THROW ATTEMPTS   G  Att  Att/G
----------------------------------              -----------------------------------
David,Jonny.........   2   2 1.000              Tyler Ulis.......... 35  195    5.6
Mychal Mulder.......   2   2 1.000              Jamal Murray........ 36  152    4.2
Derek Willis........  32  36  .889              Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  124    3.6
Tyler Ulis.......... 167 195  .856              Alex Poythress...... 31  102    3.3
Jamal Murray........ 119 152  .783              Skal Labissiere..... 36   62    1.7
Dominique Hawkins...  19  25  .760              Marcus Lee.......... 36   62    1.7
Isaac Humphries.....  11  15  .733
Alex Poythress......  72 102  .706              FREE THROWS MADE      G Made Made/G
Skal Labissiere.....  41  62  .661              -----------------------------------
Briscoe,Isaiah......  57 124  .460              Tyler Ulis.......... 35  167    4.8
Charles Matthews....  14  34  .412              Jamal Murray........ 36  119    3.3
Marcus Lee..........  25  62  .403              Alex Poythress...... 31   72    2.3
                                                Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34   57    1.7
                                                Skal Labissiere..... 36   41    1.1

REBOUNDS              G  Reb  Reb/G             ASSISTS               G  No.    A/G
-----------------------------------             -----------------------------------
Marcus Lee.......... 36  216    6.0             Tyler Ulis.......... 35  246    7.0
Alex Poythress...... 31  187    6.0             Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  107    3.1
Jamal Murray........ 36  186    5.2             Jamal Murray........ 36   79    2.2
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  181    5.3             Dominique Hawkins... 27   13    0.5
Derek Willis........ 32  127    4.0             Charles Matthews.... 36   13    0.4

REBOUND AVERAGE       G  Reb  Avg/G             STEALS                G  No.    S/G
-----------------------------------             -----------------------------------
Alex Poythress...... 31  187    6.0             Tyler Ulis.......... 35   51    1.5
Marcus Lee.......... 36  216    6.0             Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34   35    1.0
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  181    5.3             Jamal Murray........ 36   35    1.0
Jamal Murray........ 36  186    5.2             Derek Willis........ 32   21    0.7
Derek Willis........ 32  127    4.0             Alex Poythress...... 31   19    0.6

OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS    G  No.  Avg/G             BLOCKED SHOTS         G  No.  Blk/G
-----------------------------------             -----------------------------------
Marcus Lee.......... 36   87    2.4             Skal Labissiere..... 36   59    1.6
Alex Poythress...... 31   55    1.8             Marcus Lee.......... 36   59    1.6
Jamal Murray........ 36   53    1.5             Derek Willis........ 32   24    0.8
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34   49    1.4             Alex Poythress...... 31   22    0.7
Skal Labissiere..... 36   35    1.0             Isaac Humphries..... 23   16    0.7

DEFENSIVE REBOUNDS    G  No.  Avg/G             MINUTES               G  No.  Min/G
-----------------------------------             -----------------------------------
Jamal Murray........ 36  133    3.7             Tyler Ulis.......... 35 1288   36.8
Alex Poythress...... 31  132    4.3             Jamal Murray........ 36 1267   35.2
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34  132    3.9             Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34 1094   32.2
Marcus Lee.......... 36  129    3.6             Marcus Lee.......... 36  785   21.8
Derek Willis........ 32   97    3.0             Alex Poythress...... 31  732   23.6

FOULS                 G  No.  Per/G             TURNOVERS             G  No.   TO/G
-----------------------------------             -----------------------------------
Alex Poythress...... 31  112    3.6             Jamal Murray........ 36   84    2.3
Marcus Lee.......... 36  109    3.0             Tyler Ulis.......... 35   69    2.0
Skal Labissiere..... 36  108    3.0             Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34   66    1.9
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34   96    2.8             Alex Poythress...... 31   37    1.2
Jamal Murray........ 36   75    2.1             Marcus Lee.......... 36   35    1.0

FOULOUTS              G  No.
Marcus Lee.......... 36    8
Alex Poythress...... 31    7
Skal Labissiere..... 36    5
Derek Willis........ 32    2
Tyler Ulis.......... 35    2
Briscoe,Isaiah...... 34    2
Isaac Humphries..... 23    2

Team Roster

                       2015-16 Kentucky Men's Basketball
                   Kentucky Team Roster (as of Mar 19, 2016)
                                   All games

Head coach:

## Player Name          Pos Year Miscellaneous Information                Actv
00 Marcus Lee            00  JR                                             Y
1  Skal Labissiere       F   FR                                             Y
3  Tyler Ulis            G   SO                                             Y
4  Charles Matthews      G   FR                                             Y
10            G   FR                                             Y
11 Mychal Mulder         G   JR                                             Y
13 Isaiah Briscoe        G   FR                                             Y
14            F   FR                                             Y
15 Isaac Humphries       F   FR                                             Y
22 Alex Poythress        F   SR                                             Y
23 Jamal Murray          G   FR                                             Y
24 EJ Floreal            G   JR                                             Y
25 Dominique Hawkins     G   JR                                             Y
35 Derek Willis          F   JR                                             Y